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Employee Assistance Program is designed to help employees resolve personal and professional issues which may negatively impact their health, performance and general well-being. By addressing these issues we aim to create a positive work environment and ensure better employee health and superior performance.

Our EAP services are offered through video counseling, mobile calls, emails, online chats, or through a face-to-face session. 

EAP includes counseling services for employees and their families to offer comprehensive support and retain productivity.
The health consultation program included in the EAP ensures assisting the behavioral health of employees .
Every business has a goal to reach and to make sure that the businesses achieve them, EAP ensures productivity.
EAP includes programs with paying some attention to mental health during any crisis for the benefit of organizations.

● They don't have ample time for counseling

● They don't have time to consult hospital for mild health troubles

● They worry have their family members

● They are stressed from their work

● They find it hectic to commute and unable to reach on time

● They are worried about household chores as most of the times they spend in office

● They seek advice from people who take huge charges

● Health assistance

● Roadside assistance

● Ensure offering physical and mental well-being

● Home assistance

● Care for your employees and their family members

● Mental health

● Financial consultation

● Doctor teleconsultation



Mental Wellbeing
Pharmacy and Pathlabs
Opd Consultation
Dental services
At Home healthcare
Towing Service
Accidental Towing
Battery Jumpstart
Flat Tyre
Lost or Locked keys
Fuel Problems
Home Assistance
Financial Assistance
Implementation of EAP in the organization can improve productivity as it decreases sick leave to 33% and work-related accidents to 65%
Businesses can instantly start implementing EAP both in a convenient and affordable way and enjoy the myriad of benefits.
Accidents & health issues can become a burden for businesses which can be significantly removed with EAP implementation.
Call us Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except public holidays)
24/7 Always
09.00-18.30 (Mon-Fri)
Allianz Assistance India mainly caters to two market segments Roadside Assistance (RSA) and Health Assistance. Allianz, besides offering these services directly to consumers also customizes and assists in creating and implementing tailor-made programs to maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty. Committed to its partners, Allianz focuses on building customer relationships that continue to enhance their brand value.